Missing Carrasco

Carrasco is missing. The Belgian winger has gone from being an essential player for Simeone to not being present in the starting eleven and having no influence on the team’s play. The Atlético footballer has been losing importance in the rojiblanco team and is not the same as in past seasons. He not even the one from the beginning of the campaign. The player wanted to leave in this winter market, although he ultimately stayed at Atlético. Carrasco pressed to go to Barcelona, ​​but he did not come out and his immediate future is far from the entity of the Cívitas Metropolitano. When he leaves, Samuel Lino, now at Valencia, will be his replacement.

In the last three games he played 34 minutes against Valladolid, 45 against Osasuna and 29 against Getafe. According to Olocip, it is his worst season with a generated value of 0.17. In these last matches, his actions have penalized Atlético (-0.01 against Getafe, -0.01 against Osasuna and -0.15 against Valladolid). His numbers this year are mediocre: he has played 27 games, with four goals (one in LaLiga, two in the Cup and one in the Champions League) and two assists, both in the Champions League.

Last season he played 44 games, with six goals, all in LaLiga, and seven assists (six in the Champions League and one in the Cup). His best performance came in the 2020-21 season, in which Atlético was league champion. He then played 35 games, with seven goals (6 in LaLiga and one in the Champions League) and eleven assists (10 in the league tournament and one in the Champions League). It was essential for Atlético to win the league title.

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His future no longer paints in rojiblanco. Carrasco, 29 years old, ends his contract with Atlético in 2024. That is to say, he has one more campaign left with the Madrid club, but he will not fulfill it. Atlético reached an agreement with Barcelona whereby he will be able to go to the Catalan entity for around 20 million. In the event that Barcelona finally does not want him, Atlético will listen to offers from the Premier, where the Belgian has a great poster. Manchester United is very attentive to his future and what may happen in the coming months. Simeone has preferred Lemar in recent games. The case of Carrasco contrasts with that of De Paul, who game by game is reminiscent of the World Cup.

But before that he has to perform in the remainder of the season. He has not scored in LaLiga since September 10, when he scored against Celta, precisely Atlético’s next rival in the league championship. His last goals were against Arenteiro, where he scored two, on December 22. His performance has been affected by the pulse he has maintained with Atlético to leave in January. But no one benefits from the moment of the current Carrasco: the player is being devalued in each game and Atlético loses a player who has been a reference until very recently.

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