MINERD and INEFI lead a diploma course in the province of Elías Piña

The Minister of Education, Ángel Hernández, and the executive director of the National Institute of Physical Education (INEFI), Alberto Rodríguez Mella, led the launch of the “Second Cohort of the Diploma in Pedagogical Leadership for Directors of Educational Centers on the Border”, a program training organized by the Salomé Ureña Higher Institute for Teacher Training (ISFODOSU)

After the activity, Rodríguez Mella, accompanied by Minister Hernández and Franklin Duval, deputy director of INEFI, delivered four renovated fields at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Fe y Alegría Technical High School, at Gastón Fernando Deligne and at the Centro Educational Basic and Initial Level Juan Pablo Duarte, from this southern province, where sports props were also delivered.

Minister Ángel Hernández praised the work being carried out by the executive director of INEFI, Alberto Rodríguez Mella, in favor of school sports and physical education throughout the nation.

On his side, Rodríguez Mella shared with directors, teachers and students of the Gastón Fernando Deligne High School, whom he urged to take care of the field and that the “teachers work on the preventive maintenance of that physical facility.”

The INEFI director also observed that there is a suitable space on the school campus for the construction of a little league play, noting that the corresponding evaluations and studies will be carried out for its execution.

Alberto Rodríguez contemplated the possibility of building a sports center in that study center, in view of the fact that President Luis Abinader and Minister Ángel Hernández have planned to make this type of installation “so that after the end of the school day, the themselves become school clubs.”

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“In this way, the children and young people who finish their classes use these educational center facilities and turn them into clubs from which high-performance athletes emerge,” stressed the INEFI director.

For her part, Professor Elania Bautista, director of the Juan Pablo Duarte Basic and Initial Education Center, said that it was an honor to have the presence of the Minister of Education and the executive director of INEFI and his entourage, whom she thanked for the renovation of the field and all the effort made so that sports and physical education can advance in said region.


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