Home Sports Meet Ilia Topuria: A Fighter with a Divided Heart

Meet Ilia Topuria: A Fighter with a Divided Heart

Ilia Topuria, divided heart

Georgian Sport Shines with UFC Champion Ilia Topuria and National Team’s Euro Cup Appearance

Georgia is having an impressive year in sports, with a UFC champion in Ilia Topuria and a strong performance by the national football team in the Euro Cup.

In Spain, Ilia Topuria, the current featherweight champion, has drawn attention due to his dual nationality, obtained just a few months ago. He identifies as Hispanic-Georgian and is a defender of both nations. Topuria celebrated his recent win with the flags of Georgia and Spain, showing his loyalty to both countries.

“I feel super Spanish and I also feel Georgian. It’s like having two children,” Topuria said in an interview. “When they ask me, Georgia or Spain? You can’t choose between two children; you love them both equally. My parents are from Georgia, my blood is Georgian, but I grew up in Spain. I found my profession there, my passion; my family lives there, my son lives there, my home is in Spain, so are my friends. I have an immense love for Spain and for Georgia, which is where my family comes from.”

Georgian journalist Dachi Tsurtsumia from ‘Rustavi2’ analyzed the situation, stating, “I haven’t seen anyone with common sense have a problem with Ilia carrying two flags. We understand what Spain has done for him as a person and as an athlete, it is completely natural and normal. Topuria makes us proud and we are happy to share that feeling with our Spanish brothers and sisters.”

Topuria has been praised by both countries for his dedication and loyalty. He will attend the upcoming game against Spain in private, accompanied by his closest environment. On Wednesday, July 3, he will also hold a press conference in Madrid and present his new film.

The Georgian national football team is also gaining attention, as they prepare to face Spain in the round of 16 in their first major national team soccer tournament. The team’s performance has been impressive, and they are expected to put up a good fight against their Spanish opponents.

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