Home Business Mañueco Sees Key Step Towards Fairer EBAU Access

Mañueco Sees Key Step Towards Fairer EBAU Access

Mañueco, anfitrión de la jornada «Por una EBAU común», ve un «paso firme» hacia un acceso «más justo»

The President of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, has emphasized the importance of education and equality in Spain, stating that the Popular Party has taken a “firm step” towards a common EBAU (High School Assessment for University Access) evaluation system.

Mañueco made the comments during an event held in Salamanca, where the Presidents of twelve autonomies signed a document proposing the homogenization of university entrance evaluation systems and corrections.

This move, according to Mañueco, will allow young people to have greater equality of opportunity and benefit families and society as a whole. He noted that education is the “foundation” of everything and the future of young people, adding that Castilla y León has the best educational system in Spain and one of the most outstanding in the world.

The President also praised the Community’s commitment to providing free education from 0 to 3 years, lowering university fees, increasing scholarships, and investing in research and collaboration with the private sector.

Mañueco emphasized that the proposed EBAU system will guarantee an “excellent” education of high quality, equality, and equity in all areas, both in rural and urban areas, between public and private education, and both in school and university education.

The President of the Junta also criticized the new LOSU university law, stating that it does not advocate for a critical, independent, and free university.

The signing of the document “For a common EBAU” represents, according to Mañueco, an exercise of institutional loyalty and collaboration between communities to continue building the Nation. The move is expected to promote solidarity and territorial cohesion.

Education is a key sector in Spain, and the proposed EBAU system has sparked debate about the future of university access and the fairness of the current system.

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