Home Sports Madrid hosts the V Sports Cardiology Monographic Course

Madrid hosts the V Sports Cardiology Monographic Course

Madrid hosts the V Sports Cardiology Monographic Course

This June 30, 2023 will be held in Madrid, in the house of the Heart, the V Sports Cardiology Monographic Course, where a group of the top experts in this area in Spain will meet. This appointment is organized annually by the Sports Cardiology Working Group of the Spanish Society of Cardiology.

Sports Cardiology is essential for athletes, Not only for competition, but for all levels. It is well known that good cardiovascular health is essential to improve performance and safety during sports.

This is achieved through a correct cardiology evaluation. Allowing to guide the training and the adequate cardiac adaptation to the sport, as well as to detect and prevent possible cardiac conditions that could put health at risk during sports practice.

There are multiple objectives during an assessment of the athlete’s heart, among which stand out:

  1. Evaluation of the cardiovascular state of the athlete with the intention of improving their performance, through measurements of aerobic capacity, the function of the heart and blood vessels, and their adaptation to training. Being able to help coaches to improve the physical and cardiac preparation of their athletes.
  2. Detection of heart diseases, mostly silent, that can put the athlete’s life at risk, such as structural anomalies of the heart, coronary arteries or their valves, as well as heart rhythm disorders or aortic diseases.
  3. Guidance as to what type of sport, training and competition guidelines in athletes who already have heart disease. Helping in the design of training programs that are safe and effective for each individual’s heart condition.
  4. Development of action plans and training of staff working in the clubs sports, for the management of cardiological emergencies. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers and the use of automatic external defibrillators are essential skills, not only for those related to the world of sports, but for the entire population in general. This we know makes the difference between life and death in cases of cardiac emergency.

In summary, Cardiology is one of the fundamental branches to improve performance and maintain cardiovascular health of the athletes. And scientific meetings such as those held in Madrid, allow for better dissemination and training in an essential area for sport and for athletes in general.

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