Madness and undeserved defeat that strengthens Atlético

Great game. The Metropolitan lived another meeting of those who make fans, between two great teams, with goals, emotion and controversial decisions by the referee. Liverpool played almost the entire second half with one more, the English team scored a 2-3 penalty and the VAR invalidated another in favor of Atlético. Simeone’s team was not very lucky in this regard, who overwhelmed his rival for a few exceptional minutes in the final stretch of the first period. Alisson made saves of great merit and was Liverpool’s best. The defeat complicates the pass, but confirms the team in terms of play and positive feelings. The fans said goodbye to their team amid applause, a sign of the fans’ satisfaction with Atlético’s game.

Griezmann. The French forward came to Atlético for this, to score goals and to be a decisive player in important matches such as against Liverpool. Griezmann is the Atlético footballer with the most goals in European competitions: he has 30 and begins to show quality and the class he has, the one he treasured in his first stage at the Madrid club. Griezmann plugged in is a superior footballer and if he connects with João Félix on top of that, the couple is one of the best in world football. The penalty was his expulsion because the night was for him to have scored another goal. That action marked, without a doubt, the game.

João Félix. He was seen with a lot of desire, very active, with personality … In 2-2 the play was his and the best news for Atlético is that he is also beginning to be an unbalancing footballer. Against Barcelona he was the best and against Liverpool he also performed at a high level. The Portuguese knows that he has everything to succeed and he needs to really believe that he is an out of the ordinary.

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Great atmosphere. There is nothing like an encounter with the environment of the Wanda Metropolitano against the English team. Nothing can produce the sensations felt in a match like this on a stage like the rojiblanco. It was a clash like the ones before, with a lot of people, with people cheering before, during and after … With clubs from all over Spain and some from the world … After many months of hardships, bad news, crying … football has returned in a big way to the Metropolitan. The stands tightened when the team was having the worst time and that is priceless. Anyone who has gone to the Atlético stadium in a game like this knows what I’m talking about.

Character. Atlético showed pride in finding themselves 0-2 shortly after the start of the game and also after the expulsion of Griezmann. This is what the fans ask of their people: in addition to trying to play good football, they should leave everything behind in each action, in each play … And Atlético did it. He had to play for most of the second half with one less but it was hardly noticeable. And Liverpool could only beat the Madrid team from a penalty. But no one will blame the Cholo team for anything. Absolutely nothing. Even in the discount, Atlético had a clear chance, but Correa’s shot went high when the tie was already sung. It was only fair. But in the madness of the Metropolitan everything favored Liverpool.

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