R Madhavan responded to a Twitter user for trolling him. One user responded by trolling R Madhavan for one of his statements. Actually, Madhavan in an interview had said Indian 25 lakh instead of Rs 138 crore. These days, Madhavan is busy promoting his movie ‘Rocketry: The Nambi Effect’, in which he played the role of former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan.
One user shared a video criticizing the actor, and the now-deleted tweet read: “MadhavanSplenning – This @ActorMadhavan is nonstop nonstop promoting his movie and he’s laughing more with each passing day. It’s going to happen. Is there no other way?” promote your film that this?”.
Madhavan responded in a strange manner without losing his temper. He wrote: ‘Easy bro…you’re a gamer…I’m tired and sleepy. So he said less than 25 lakhs instead of 250 lakhs but the point was that 1.7% of the population was still low…why so much poison bro…not good for your game.”
Calm down brother… you’re a jock… I’m exhausted and sleep deprived. So I said less than 25 lakhs instead of 250 lakhs… but the point was that it was still less than 1.7% of the population, that was my point… why so much? Venom bro.. not good for your sport..🙈🙈 https://t.co/T0ZF75l5ve
—Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) June 28, 2022
We tell you that ‘Rocketry: The Nambi Effect’ tells the story of Nambi Narayanan, a former scientist and aerospace engineer from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). In 1994, Narayanan was accused of leaking defense secrets. He spent 50 days in jail. The scientist was later acquitted by the CBI court and then the Supreme Court in 1998. Shahrukh Khan and Suriya have made cameo appearances in the film.