MAD Lions KOI Playoffs Qualifiers

New week of 0-2 for MAD Lions KOI, which puts qualification for the Playoffs in the balance. With only one win in eight rounds, Melzhet’s team finds itself on the brink of disaster, having to win both duels next week to be eligible to compete in the title fight.

Neither against Fnatic nor against SK Gaming did MAD Lions KOI measure up, as although they started strong in the early game, bad decisions at critical moments condemned them to defeat. The same issues reappeared against SK Gaming, with the team’s poor coordination and decision-making leading to three consecutive deaths and ultimately, the game slipped away.

MAD Lions KOI now has two must-win matches ahead of them, the first against Team BDS on Friday, and the second against Rogue on Sunday. The pressure will be immense as they face two tough rivals, with Team BDS sitting tied for first place with a 6-1 record, and Rogue posing an evenly matched threat.

The Poles have proven to be the weakest link in the league, but the same can be said of MAD Lions KOI, who have struggled to put together a strong performance in recent weeks. Two wins would, at the very least, secure a tiebreaker, but a repeat performance against these opponents may put their qualification hopes in doubt.

GiantX, Team Heretics, Viatlity, and Rogue are the direct rivals MAD Lions KOI will face next week, with all four teams having already earned two wins. The stakes will be incredibly high, and Melzhet’s team will be fighting not only for their own qualification, but also to avoid the embarrassment of being relegated to the bottom of the Top European competition.

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