Las Palmas’ Star Players to Miss Summer Schedule Start

Six Players Set to Depart UD Las Palmas

The official list of players who will end their contracts with UD Las Palmas has been confirmed. Six players are due to leave the club on June 30, including those on loan, Perrone and Araujo. The four players who have reached the end of their contract are Cristian Herrera, Sergi Cardona, Munir, and Curbelo. The latter three were announced by Miguel Angel Ramirez, the club’s sports director, during a recent press conference.

Cristian Herrera’s Future Uncertain

Despite the club’s interest in retaining him, Cristian Herrera will not renew his contract. Herrera had expressed a desire to stay with the team, but ultimately did not feel important enough to remain with the club. He scored a goal in the 150 minutes he played in the league during his time with UD Las Palmas.

More Departures Imminent

The departure of these six players has been planned for weeks, but it is not the only significant change affecting the team. The sports management has identified other players in the current squad who are not in the plans for the future. This includes Aarón Escandell, Álvaro Lemos, Sory Kaba, and Mfulu. Aarón Escandell and Cédric, who was recently signed, will go out on loan. Aaron, Mfulu, and Lemos are expected to play in the Second Division.

Transfer List Players Face Uncertain Futures

UD Las Palmas is aware that offers will soon arrive for Valles and Coc or, and retaining them may be challenging. The club is bracing itself for a period of significant change in the coming weeks.

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