Laporta assures that if Barça wants to sign, they will have to do it in January

The FC Barcelona He has been linked with numerous players in order to improve the squad and balance some positions. In this way, with players like Sergio Busquets On the exit ramp at the end of the season, Barça will probably need to go to the market, but they will have to plan and do it during the winter market, as they assure Joan Laporta.

The culé president has made it clear that the blaugrana entity will have to go to the January market if they want to make new additions due to the ‘fair play’ regulations: “Now we are in the 1/1 rule, but in summer we will be back in the norm 1/4. If we had to sign someone, it would be convenient to do it in winter; but we have a very competitive team: we are the club that contributes the most footballers to the world. It shows a job well done and is clear proof that Xavi is doing a great job”.

-Barça has to sign in January

Despite Laporta’s positive words about the culé squad, with great players, the truth is that the Barça team is practically forced to sign during the month of January. As we have said, players like Busquets they will leave at the end of the season and will have to look for new reinforcements. This implies that, as the Barça president confirms, January should be the period for new signings, since they will have a really difficult time in summer. players like Enzo Fernandez either Guimaraes They have sounded to replace the loss of the Spanish international.

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