Home Sports La Velada 4: Topuria Mentality Features Plex, Guanyar, and Viruzz as they...

La Velada 4: Topuria Mentality Features Plex, Guanyar, and Viruzz as they Pursue Spanish Boxing Titles

Plex, Guanyar and Viruzz 'Topuria mentality' in La Velada 4: "Let's take a photo of five Spanish belts"

La Velada del Año 4: Los Luchadores Finalizan su Preparación

There is less than a week left until the Evening of the Year 4, and the fighters of the Ibai boxing event are finalizing their preparation. Most of them are already in Madrid to fine-tune their training for the big day.

La Partición en Dos Bandos

To continue with this preparation, it seems that two sides have been formed, one made up of the Spanish fighters and the other by those from LATAM. Plex will fight with El Mariana, a Mexican streamer, Guanyar with La Cobra, who is Argentine, and Viruzz will do it with Shelao, Colombian. However, all three are confident of winning and leaving a memorable image after the event.

Confianza en el Mentality

The three "local" fighters seem very prepared, but so are their rivals. However, Viruzz, Guanyar, and Plex are seen lifting the belt on the 13th at the Santiago Bernabéu. They know that a big part of being able to win is mentality, and they go in thinking that there can be no other way for it to end than with them winning.

Primera Lesión en La Velada del Año 4?

But all this that Ibai Llanos has prepared for us for July 13 at the Santiago Bernabéu will start with a great fight between the Spaniard Agustín51 and the Argentine Carrera. Both content creators will star in the first rounds of the Evening of the Year 4, but yesterday something happened that put this fight between the two lightweight fighters in doubt. Carrera gave us a big scare in the Twitch live of his Argentine friend Spreen.

Carrera Sufre una Lesión

Carrera tested his punching power with a boxing machine like those where you punch a bag and it gives you a score depending on the power you put into your punch. Well, after a few attempts by Carrera, something unexpected happened that put his participation in the Evening of the Year 4 in "check", and that is that, after hitting the bag, he hit his hand on the wall behind the machine, which caused a cut in the Argentine’s limb.

Carrera Da Buenas Noticias

Although this situation seemed dramatic for the Argentine, and consequently for Agustín51, Ibai Llanos and the Velada del Año 4, some good news has relaxed us a little and that is that Carrera himself reassured his followers on social networks: "I’m fine, don’t worry, that’s what I call an epic opening".

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