Former cricketer Kapil Dev is busy these days with the movie ’83’. This movie was released on December 24. In this movie, Ranveer Singh played the role of Kapil Dev and Deepika Padukone played the role of his wife Romi Bhatia. With this, Kapil Dev’s love life and adventure have also come into the spotlight.
With bowling and hitting, Kapil Dev used to annoy the greatest cricketer. But there was a period in his life when he used to dominate the headlines of his affair and relationship. There was a time when the name Kapil Dev was associated with a beautiful Bollywood actress. After living together for some time, suddenly Kapil Dev and that actress had a breakup. After which Romi Bhatia struck the life of Kapil Dev.
Kapil Dev had become one of the best players in India. At the time, his name was associated with Kamal Haasan’s ex-wife and well-known Bollywood actress Sarika. It is said that Kapil Dev and Sarika met because of Manoj Kumar, after which they both began to grow closer and their affair made headlines. They were both about to get married, but according to a story in the Hindustan Times, Kapil Dev had also introduced Sarika to her parents, but after a few days news of their breakup began to break out.
There are many reasons given for Kapil Dev and Sarika’s breakup. But at the time it was said that there was someone else in Kapil Dev’s life due to his relationship with Sarika breaking up. It was later revealed that Kapil Dev and Sarika had a breakup due to Romi Bhatia. Romi Bhatia and Kapil Dev met thanks to Sunil Bhatia. Seeing Romi Bhatia, Kapil Dev was in awe of him. Meanwhile, Sarika and Kamal Haasan’s closeness had started to increase.
According to some reports, there was already Romi Bhatia in Kapil Dev’s life. But, due to a misunderstanding, the two parted ways. During this, Sarika came into Kapil Dev’s life. But when the misunderstanding between Romi Bhatia and Kapil Dev was resolved, Kapil Dev married Romi.