Kaba Gassama finally returns to Granollers in a big way

Kaba Gassama, the pivot of the Guerreras, is happy for this return to Granollers through the big door, where she was born, trained as a handball player, and where the Frenchwoman was fired to go to Nantes, “without giving me time to say goodbye to the fans”, He says. In sports, events go so fast that this return home on the eve of Christmas also allows the four siblings to reunite with their parents: “There are not many free dates, so although we are Muslims these days we celebrate them as a family, Y My older brothers will come, Mamadou, who plays for Sporting Lisbon (he left this season for Granollers de la asobal) to handball, Sekou, a Málaga footballer, and at home my little sister Goundo is still with my parents, who plays handball and is already in some call-ups for the National Team “.

Kaba (24 years old, 1.83 meters) is the first of the family to play a World Cup, and it is a source of pride for this clan originally from Senegal. “I think it has been good for me to leave home sportingly, because in Granollers I was in my comfort zone; I used my physical power to act as a pivot in Spain. In France I have been forced to do more, to be stronger, to to be faster, to improve to be competitive “, reasons one of the revelations of these Warriors of Prades.

Secure the pivot I had “want to go back to playing at home “, but did not intuit that his return was “in a quarterfinal of a World Cup and with the National Team. The perfect return for a reunion with the fans, because in Granollers you live in this sport”, and even his brother Sekou “also played handball”.

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“Sekou is like me. He goes to the crash, he fights with the defenses, he takes advantage of his body“admits Kaba, although she also enjoys “being forceful in defense”, no caresses, because when he touches the attacker always accuses him. “In Las Guerreras the three pivots are different, but a bit the same because we are big and we defend and attack“, he points out.

Where is the limit of Spain in this Championship? Kaba does not consider it. It’s about playing every day “And as far as it goes”, and she is grateful that they assist her in the games, “because they may look at the pivots.” Of course, for her the World Cup is serving to raftify her quality and open a definitive step in the lists of the next appointments: it seems slow, but the transition in defense and attack runs well, and she even allows herself the luxury of arriving before the extremes at six meters “fruit of the effort of the last two years”

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