Javi Jiménez and the word ‘descent’: “You don’t have to mention it”

How has the team recovered from the blow against Cartagena where the victory escaped on the last day? “It is still a blow. And more as the circumstances occurred. But I think that the team, and not only in this match, for quite some time tries to stay balanced. During the week we tried to analyze the mistakes that are always made regardless of winning or losing. We analyze what we did wrong in that part of the match that escaped us so that it doesn’t happen again this weekend against Amorebieta”.

Is there growth, green shoots? “Completely. From my point of view, the team looks very organized on the pitch. Both in the offensive and defensive aspects we are gradually acquiring those ideas that Natxo is transmitting to us. Since he arrived until now, the team is in full growth”.

Is the match against Amorebieta a final? “It’s a very important game and the players know what we’re playing for not only in that game but in all the remaining ones. It is important that we maintain that balance that I was talking about because the rest will put us under unnecessary pressure. We know very well what we are playing this weekend and every day. And the most important thing is that we all be aware of it.”

Can it be said that the fall of Malaga began precisely with the defeat at La Rosaleda against Amorebuieta? “It was probably one of the games that marked a bit of that downward trend that we have, that losing streak. We try not to think about what happened in that game against Amorebieta, to correct what the team has to improve to get to the game as well prepared as possible”.

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Does the word ‘descent’ fit in your dictionary? “Not much less. I don’t think it needs to be mentioned because it’s unnecessary pressure. The team is fully prepared to dodge what we’re talking about. Let no one doubt that we are going to leave absolutely everything, not only against Amorebieta but in the following matches to add three and get out of this streak and this pothole we are going through”.

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