Home World Israeli pacifism, another front against Netanyahu

Israeli pacifism, another front against Netanyahu

Israeli pacifism, another front against Netanyahu

“As a people living in Israel, we have two alternatives: either Palestinian-Israeli peace or eternal war “Which guarantees one thing: many more years of war, suffering and death,” said the invitation to the demonstration. On Thursday evening, around twenty groups, led by the most numerous Omdim Beiajad (Standing Together, in Hebrew) and Nashim osot shalom (Women Creating Peace), held the first major protest against the war in Gaza in Tel Aviv. According to organizers citing police, more than 2,000 people took part in the protest.

They had planned to hold the protest last weekbut it was not approved by the police, like many other organizations that do not receive permission to exercise their democratic right from the body headed by the ultranationalist minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

But at the last minute they received permission and one of the members of Omdim Beiajad, Nadav Shofet told the demonstrators that this was due to public pressure.

So far, the anti-war groups have demonstrated in different ways, for example an organization of women did so silently, dressed in white and sitting on the ground, In this way, all the elements are collected to avoid pedestrian attacks, as explained by a member of the group, Lena. “We know that the situation is very polarized and we just want to oppose the war in a non-confrontational way. It's harder for someone to come and hit you when you're a woman and lying on the floor wearing white. ” She said. However, they have endured insults of all kinds during their meetings. From “Go to Gaza” to “Are you crazy?” Do you want them to rape you and cut off your breasts too?”, alluding to some of them the actions of Hamas during its invasion in the 7th century. This group of women hold signs that read “running water,” “electricity,” “peace,” “respect,” “agreement” in Hebrew, Arabic and English. Two weeks ago they did not display a sign saying “ceasefire,” even though that is exactly what they are striving for because, Lena said, “it is now a very popular concept in Israel.”

Other demonstrators who have not received permission from the police for any of their previous demonstrations are the so-called Gush Neged Hakibush (Anti-occupation bloc, in Hebrew). They protest with drums and megaphones, saying things like “The boys and girls of Gaza and Sderot want to live,” “Equality for all from the Jordan to the sea,” and with signs accusing Israel of genocide, which police officers often do by confiscating and Call for an immediate ceasefire and exchange of “all for all”, all kidnapped for all Palestinian prisoners. A group of Israeli mothers also demonstrated at their side with the slogan “Get them out of Gaza,” alluding to the soldiers.

These groups and some more, also from mixed Arab-Israeli political party Hadash (New, in Hebrew)They continued their demonstrations of public dissent for almost three months, but they were always minority demonstrations where the feeling of insecurity was very palpable.

However, Thursday's demonstration brought together more people than any other so far. Protesters marched through the city with signs reading “ceasefire now,” “only peace will bring security.” They called: “Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies”“Neither Ben-Gvir nor Hamas, we are tired of the extremists,” “End the occupation,” and chants of “Now!” are omnipresent at the demonstrations demanding the return of the hostages. “After 100 days of war, the hostages have not returned, innocent Palestinians are being killed and we still have no security.” There is another way. We know that many Israelis and Palestinians will join us as we march towards peace,” said Heli Mishael of Omdim Beiajad.

Rola Daoud from the same organization asked:How much blood must be shed before we understand that this war is destroying us all… until we understand that if there is no peace on the other side, there will be no peace on the one hand, that our destinies are linked? Tom's father Yaakov Godot, who was murdered at Kibbutz Beeri on October 7, said: “We all need to change this approach so that conflicts can be resolved.” “I call on everyone to stop living by the sword.”

During a combative statement that same evening, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said rejected the prospect of a Palestinian state after the war and pledged to resist the United States on the issue.

Netanyahu spoke of a report in which the Joe Biden administration He reiterated the need to advance a two-state solution, hours after Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Israel could not achieve “real security” without a path to a Palestinian state. “Whoever talks about the 'day after Netanyahu,'” he said, “is essentially talking about the creation of a Palestinian state with the Palestinian Authority.”

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