We navigated a challenging journey as participants in the Paris-Cape Town 1992 event. Our journey began with a setback when we damaged our vehicle’s rear axle while crossing a dune. We found a temporary solution by tying the axle to the chassis, allowing us to continue moving.
However, our timing could not have been worse, as the country we were attempting to enter, Chad, had just gone to war. As a result, the event organizers were forced to regroup and neutralize the competition until participants reached Cameroon. Unfortunately, due to our breakdown, we missed the opportunity to enter Chad with the rest of the group and were denied entry at the border.
Detour Through Nigeria
Undeterred, we chose to take a detour through Nigeria in an attempt to rejoin the competition in Cameroon. However, this new route presented an unexpected challenge, as we did not possess the necessary visas to enter and exit Nigeria. In spite of this, we decided to proceed with the hope that the prevalent corruption in the country might facilitate our passage.
Initially, our strategy paid off, as a small bribe allowed us to gain entry into Nigeria. However, we soon encountered difficulties when attempting to exit the country, as officials refused to let us pass without the required visas. In our desperation, we even invoked the name of the late Thierry Sabine, but ultimately had to resort to further bribery to resolve the issue.
A Grueling Pursuit
Following our three-day delay, we continued to pursue our goal of rejoining the competition. We managed to acquire fuel from abandoned supplies and purchased more where possible. Our journey was marked by long periods of sleep deprivation, as we drove day and night in an attempt to reach Point Noire, where we would board a boat to Angola.
Upon arrival in Point Noire, we had a brief respite, which consisted of two days of driving and a rest day. During this period, our exhaustion began to take a toll on our mental health. My co-pilot experienced hallucinations, mistaking trees for threatening giants, while I struggled to stay awake by performing mental calculations and engaging in breathing exercises.
A Narrow Escape
Despite our ordeal, we managed to reach the boat just as it was preparing to depart. Our determination had paid off, and we were finally able to rest and recover from our exertions. We eventually made it to Cape Town, marking the end of our eventful and memorable journey. Although our methods were unorthodox, we proved that perseverance and sheer willpower can help overcome even the most daunting challenges.