Iranian nuclear: Emmanuel Macron calls for “accelerating” negotiations

Iranian nuclear talks between the West and Tehran in Vienna, Austria, have been put on hold. During this dead time, which should allow participants to carry out consultations in their countries with a view to returning to the discussion table next week, Emmanuel Macron spoke on Saturday by telephone with his Iranian counterpart, Ebrahim Raïssi, the Elysée announced on Sunday, January 30. “The President of the Republic reiterated his conviction that a diplomatic solution is possible and imperative (…)”, said the French presidency in a press release.

Emmanuel Macron insisted “on the need to accelerate, to achieve tangible progress quickly” and underlined “the need for Iran to demonstrate a constructive approach and return to full implementation of its obligations”, the statement continues. The Iranian presidency, for its part, declared that “In the negotiations, the Islamic Republic has proven its willingness and seriousness to reach an agreement, and any effort by the other party in this regard should include the lifting of sanctions, verification and a valid guarantee”.

The talks aim to reinstate the United States, which withdrew from the pact in 2018 and reinstated economic sanctions against Tehran, as well as to bring Iran back to its commitments. They resumed at the end of November in the Austrian capital, after a five-month interruption, between Iran and the countries still party to the agreement concluded in 2015 (France, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, China).

According to the Elysée, Emmanuel Macron took advantage of this interview to ask once again “immediate release” of the Franco-Iranian researcher Fariba Adelkhah, reincarcerated in Tehran. The French president has finally “expressed concern about” the situation of Frenchman Benjamin Brière, sentenced to eight years and eight months in prison in Iran for “spying” and “propaganda” against the regime.

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The call between Emmanuel Macron and Ebrahim Raïssi also “allowed to discuss regional issues and in particular the situation in Lebanon and security in the Gulf”, added the French presidency. In this regard, Emmanuel Macron has, once again, “strongly condemned the recent attacks which targeted the United Arab Emirates” and “the two heads of state agreed on the need to find a political solution to the conflict in Yemen”.


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