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Investment in digital advertising in the Travel sector grows by 36% in 2022

Investment in digital advertising in the Travel sector grows by 36% in 2022

The Travel and Tourism sector was one of the most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, seeing how the confinements, travel restrictions and the disappearance of international tourism practically paralyzed its activity.

With the end of the restrictions, this sector has been recovering its normal activity and this has been noted in the investment in digital advertising. According to data from the report of Zeniththis year, investment in digital advertising will reach 16,400 million dollars, 36% more.

Last year 2021, growth stood at 24%. This data corresponds to the investment in digital advertising made by airlines and tourist accommodation in 13 world markets: Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

In this point, John Louis Fountains, commercial director of Getfluencehas underlined that “Despite the improvement, Zenith analysts have explained that they do not expect this investment in digital advertising to exceed pre-pandemic levels until 2023, with a forecast of 19.6 billion dollars”.

The current pre-pandemic situation is different, with an international panorama that has changed substantially, forcing airlines and tourist accommodation to reinvent themselves and bet on innovative promotion methods.

Thus, “to capture an increasingly demanding clientele, who are looking for more personalized experiences, creative tourism, but at the same time take safety and sustainability into account, the branded content is positioned as a key tool to improve its visibility and credibility”has added Sources.

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Thanks to the characteristics of this format, which is perfectly integrated into the editorial content, without being invasive, companies in the Travel and Tourism sector can communicate their strategies and their offers through sponsored content, allowing the traveler to make more studied decisions.

“The holiday period is not over, given that there are many regions in Spain where foreign tourists still come in the months of October and November and several bridges are also approaching, so tour operators must fine-tune their strategies to attract these customers” , the director of Getfluence has indicated.

Because of its international profile, Getfluence, Platform of branded contentis presented as an essential tool to successfully tackle the end of this year.

international media

“By having an international media base segmented by industry, the travel business can find the right publisher faster. In this sense, the company can research different publishers from different countries and their audiences to find those with an audience that is likely to be interested in its offer.highlighted Fuentes.

To effectively connect media with tourism businesses, Getfluence allows these brands to save time and access a large selection of European media, as well as ensuring price transparency.

With more than 10,000 influential international media outlets integrated into the platform, brands and advertisers can publish several formats: the sponsored article (to benefit from the editor’s experience) and the advertorial (for a more controlled brand discourse).

Both formats can be accompanied by visibility campaigns in the media, a strategy that reinforces the notoriety of the brands.

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