Inter Milan closes the exit door to Lautaro Martínez

the future of Lautaro Martinez continues to generate attention and speculation in the world of soccer. After the classification of Inter For the Champions League final, the first since the 2009-2010 season, the club’s board of directors wanted to make clear their position regarding the Argentine striker. It was precisely Lautaro who scored the decisive goal in the 74th minute of the game against Milan, thus ensuring Inter’s place in the grand final.

This important goal has only reaffirmed the determination of Javier Zanetti, the club’s vice president, not to allow Lautaro to leave, no matter how tempting the offers that arrive may be.

Inter Milan closes the exit door to Lautaro Martínez

Chelsea and Manchester United are two of the clubs that have been linked to the young striker. Faced with these rumours, Zanetti has sent a strong message both to these teams and to any other interested in taking over the services of the Argentine world champion.

“Lautaro is a key player and he will stay with us. Right now, it’s time to enjoy him as a player. Lautaro is extremely happy here, this club is his home and I hope it will continue to be so for many years,” Javier Zanetti said. .

It should be noted that Zanetti was the captain of the last Inter team that was crowned European champion in that historic 2-0 victory over Bayern Munich on May 22, 2010. With these statements, Zanetti makes it clear that Inter greatly values ​​Lautaro Martínez and considers his fundamental presence in the club’s sports project.

His talent and contribution on the pitch have made him an essential player, and the board is determined to retain him despite external pressure. Meanwhile, Inter fans celebrate the team’s success in the Champions League and look forward to the final. Lautaro Martínez will continue to be a leading figure in the interista attack and his future will continue to be the object of attention in the transfer market.

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