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In the UK, immigrants were evacuated from the ‘prison ship’ due to a Legionella outbreak

In the UK, immigrants were evacuated from the 'prison ship' due to a Legionella outbreak

Controversy is growing in the UK over the ‘Bibby Stockholm’, the large ship hired by the UK government to accommodate asylum seekers arriving via irregular routes. Just four days after the migrants arrived on the barge at Dorset Harbour, they had to be there evacuated after the discovery of the legionella bacterium in water.

The migrants have been removed from the structure as a precaution and for the time being No cases of illness were recorded among the residentsas an inside spokesman confirmed Sky news. The executive ordered a routine test of the water supply on July 25, but the results didn’t arrive until August 7, when migrants began embarking. Now, “environmental samples from the water system of the barge ‘Bibby Stockholm’ have detected levels of legionella that require further investigation,” the Interior Ministry spokesman said.

However, based on these initial findings, the Home Office, in conjunction with the country’s Health Security Agency and the UKHSA, have decided to carry out this process under the oversight of the Minister for Immigration. Robert Jenrick.

The NGOs who have been denouncing the overcrowded and unsanitary conditions at this facility for some time, and even members of the Conservative Party like the Tory Richard DraxThey claim it is a “floating prison”. But the executive describes it as “simple and functional accommodation”, ensuring it will be cheaper than the hotels currently housing the approximately 51,000 asylum seekers, costing the taxpayer around £6million a day and Most notably, he hopes it will serve as a deterrent to those planning to cross the English Channel.

This year so far Around 15,000 people have used this route to reach the British coast. That’s 15% down on last year, but they’re still numbers laden with political symbolism, especially with just a year left until the general election as the executive has promised Brexit will mean regaining ‘border control’ would allow.

NGOs denounce this The government offers immigrants “inhumane treatment”.Because the mere fact of being in the sea will be traumatic for many of those affected, as most of them cannot swim and the journey in the boat was already an extremely dramatic experience. “Almost all of the hundreds of traumatized people I have treated have endured horrible journeys across the sea to safety, be it the English Channel, the Aegean or the Mediterranean. The boats are not seaworthy, the people on board usually cannot swim or there are not enough life jackets. They may have seen fellow passengers drown. But now, Rishi Sunak’s reckless and impractical proposal will see refugees, including torture survivors, crammed into floating detention centers.” Ann Salter, from the organization Freedom from Torture. However, 42% of Britons think the measure is acceptable and only 27% oppose it.

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