Imposing speech by Rafa Nadal in the prelude to Roland Garros

The Balearic was in a good mood and gave details of how he is days away from debuting in Paris

In recent days, there has been much expectation to see Rafael Nadal in it half-day from Roland Garros 2022. After what happened last week in Rome and how he was seen with his left foot, in recent days, the sensations seem to have changed completely.

Even Moyawas encouraged to say that he looked better than in 2020, the year in which he won in Paris without losing any sets. The Balearic was of good humor and gave details of how he is days away from debuting in the Gallic tournament, compared, for example, to how he got to Australia.

Nadal Fognini
Nadal has been very clear in the framework of Roland Garros

A little annoyed, the Spaniard has demanded that they no longer ask him about his foot

Regarding his foot, he has been asked if he has already seen a little more recovery: “No, of course not. There is nothing I can recover from. I mean, what happened in Rome is something that I had been suffering for a few days, but now I feel better.

But he preferred to continue saying a little annoyed: “The pain is there, always. Will not go away. It is about seeing if it is high enough or not to be able to compete and have opportunities to win. I have already answered many times about my foot and I don’t want to talk about the same thing all the time.

Rafa Nadal explained to his fans how he has handled the pressure at Roland Garros

However, at the press conference he took the opportunity to talk about the pressure at Roland Garros. “I’m almost 36 years old, I’ve won 13 times here and I know what’s up. There is no writing in the press or opinion from fans that generates an extra 0.5% of pressure on me”.

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And finally, the Spanish tennis player clarified: “The pressure I have is what I generate myself. I don’t play to prove anything. I play for my motivation and personal challenges. I do what I think I have to do, with my team, so that things go in the best possible way”.

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