The final match between Chennai Super Kings and Gujarat Titans was unplayable on Sunday. In reality, the match could not be played between the two teams due to rain. However, there is good news for cricket fans that a day has been set aside for the IPL final. I mean, now the final match will be played between Chennai Super Kings and Gujarat Titans on Monday, but what will happen if it rains in Ahmedabad on Monday too and the match does not take place… so how will the winner be selected?
In fact, if the match could not be played on Reserve Day, that is, Monday also due to rain, after the league stage, the team that topped the points table would be considered the winner. In this way, Gujarat Titans led by Hardik Pandya will get the benefit and become the champion of IPL 2023. At the same time, Chennai Super Kings will have to suffer because after the league stage, the Gujarat Titans team finished above Chennai Super Kings in the points table.
Gujarat Titans led by Hardik Pandya topped the league stage. Gujarat Titans had 20 points in 14 games. Chennai Super Kings had 17 points from 14 matches. Chennai Super Kings were at number two on the points table. Gujarat Titans won 10 league matches, while they faced defeat in 4 matches. At the same time, Chennai Super Kings had won 8 matches while they had to face defeat in 5 matches. The match between Chennai Super Kings and Lucknow Super Giants was called off due to rain. Thus, Chennai Super Kings and Lucknow Super Giants had to settle for 1-1 points.