Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has been seen doing action for the first time in ‘Pathan’. The actress was emotional after seeing the film’s earnings and the love from the audience. At the hit press conference for the film, Ella Deepika fiercely praised Shahrukh Khan. Deepika, who made her Bollywood debut with King Khan in the 2005 film ‘Om Shanti Om’, thanked SRK for her successful career.
Deepika Padukone highly praised Shahrukh from the filming of the movie to the filming of the action on the big screen. The actress said that Shah Rukh used to take great care of her on the sets and that King Khan fed her pizza during the filming of Pathan.
Not only this, Deepika openly talked about the experience of working with Shah Rukh Khan in his Bollywood career of 15-16 years. She even said that if Shahrukh Khan had not been there, I would not have been there. The actress said at the press conference: ‘My chemistry with Shahrukh is very good. ‘Om Shanti Om’, ‘Chennai Express’, ‘Happy New Year’… all in one. I not only respect Shahrukh, but there is a lot of trust between us. If Shahrukh wasn’t there, he wouldn’t be who I am today.”
Deepika Padukone was overwhelmed to see her successful career despite not being in the film industry. The actress said that despite being an outsider, I received so much love, when I entered the industry, I didn’t think she would get here. She will do three or four movies under the banner of Yash Raj. The way the female character in ‘Pathan’ has been written is amazing.”
At the press conference, Deepika Padukone matched Shahrukh’s praise. The actress said that Shahrukh does an amazing action. He is also excellent in dance. The actress also said that “Shah Rukh has fed me a lot of pizza during the shooting. We made the film to entertain people. The intention with which we made this film…to bring happiness to people’s lives. The film it has done”.