“I hope Cavallo’s case is the first of many in football”

The life of Víctor Gutiérrez (Madrid, 1991) It revolved around water polo and LGTBI activism since he declared his homosexuality. He was always an athlete who fought for more rights and to end the clichés, even last April he denounced a homophobic insult from the Serbian Nemanja Ubovic in a water polo match. It was the first sanction for this type of comment in sport. Pedro Sánchez, the President of the Government, has appointed him director of the LGTBI department, again. She hangs up her swimsuit for the moment to fight for her other passion.

Before talking about your new position, how do you assess the news of the first active footballer to explain his homosexuality?

It is news to celebrate and celebrate. In sports it is difficult to have this type of news, and in football more so. Josh Cavallo had the courage, said he was tired of hiding. It should make us reflect, there are more athletes who are taking steps, but in football it is still very difficult. I send you a big hug and very excited from our department. Everyone has turned to him. Hopefully it’s the first of many. It is not worth hiding inside the closet.

What to do to make more cases occur here?

It is true that there are few cases, they are not representative of society. But I would not focus on the athlete, each one has their right to make public or not, what we must do is promote a safe environment with rights. And, to this day, it does not exist, so we have to work to achieve it. Surely that way there will be more athletes who are not afraid to express it.

And does that help?

If much. I put my example. When I was a teenager I believed that I could not become a water polo player because I did not see a reference in my sport who was homosexual. In the end I could be and I think that helps. I have received many messages from young people who serve as an example and they thank me. And that fills me with pride.

How did your appointment as secretary of the LGTBI department of the PSOE come about?

It was a surprise. It has been a long time since I decided to be a member of the PSOE for all that it represents for the LGTBI movement and to be able to do activism linked to a party due to the rise of the extreme right. They invited me to the Valencia Congress, where I only had to give a lecture on the matter. But when I arrived they met me and told me that they wanted me to be the visible head of that new department. It was an opportunity that he could not pass up.

I do not doubt?

No. There has been an increase in attacks on LGTBI people in recent times and I believe that there is a lot of work to be done and now I can help even more. I was always a very active person, who has fought to eradicate behaviors and to get more rights, but in the end the decisions are made in politics. I spoke with my club, CN Terrassa, and they understood my decision. He had two more years on his contract, but we reached an agreement. I want to thank you for your willingness. I have spent my best years as a player there, I was at a great level, but I think the best thing now is to focus on my new position.

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Do you think you can lose that activism now that you are in office?

It’s one of the things friends have asked me lately. I do not think so. I do not come from politics, I come from another world, and this for me is an opportunity, so now from within my ideas and my activism can have more effect.

What immediate challenges do you have?

We have to approve the LGTBI Law and the Zerolo Law, both of which are very important to continue advancing socially and in rights. We will work so that homophobic attitudes or insults are finally penalized in a sports venue, which until now were produced without being punishable. The other day in a football stadium they called a rival or the referee a “fag” and that is totally allowed and accepted today.

What else do you want to change?

As I come from sport, I want to focus a lot on it. I have always thought that education is very important. I remember as a child that they came to give me talks at the food school or to prevent drug use, but no one ever spoke about sexual orientation. I think it is important that these talks can exist in schools or sports clubs to eradicate these behaviors and that everyone grows from that respect.

What countries are ahead of Spain in LGTBI rights?

Well, Spain is one of the leading countries. The PSOE was a pioneer in allowing homosexual marriage and in providing rights. The pride of Madrid is one of the most popular, and I think that in Europe, for example, we are at the top. We see other countries like Hungary or Poland where there is very high discrimination. We have to keep moving forward.

Will you return to water polo?

I still have a lot of water polo left. Now I had to leave it because I have to move to Madrid and travel throughout Spain, I have to focus and order everything. But when I am settled I would like to be able to combine it in a club in Madrid like Real Canoe. I am clear that I love water polo and that I can still perform for several more years.

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