How to remove fleas and ticks from your pet naturally

In warm weather, fleas and ticks begin to multiply, which can be problematic for our animals. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of your care to avoid unpleasant and annoying situations.

If you have pets and are concerned about fleas and ticks, there are some home remedies that may be helpful in preventing or eliminating these parasites.

Additionally, maintaining a clean, moisture-free environment can also help prevent infestations. Remember to consult your veterinarian before using any home remedies to ensure they are safe for your pet.

But what is the difference between fleas and ticks?

Fleas and ticks are two types of common parasites that are usually found on long-haired animals like our pets.

These little ones are very annoying for our animals and can affect their health. Also, they can sting people on many occasions, which is not pleasant at all.

Fleas are tiny parasites that move by jumping from one animal to another, although they generally do not change habitat frequently. These creatures can transmit diseases between animals.

Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of animals. Although they only remain in the animal during the feeding process, they can also transmit diseases such as Lyme disease or various types of fever. Therefore, it is important to take preventive measures to protect animals and ourselves.

How do I know if my pet has fleas or ticks?

There are various ways to detect parasites such as ticks or fleas on our pets. An easy way is to observe their fur and see if they are visible to the naked eye.

It is also possible to find ticks that attach themselves to the animal’s skin. Another form of detection is to carefully examine the fur for signs such as bites, scabs, or the presence of flea feces. You will certainly see small dark spots around the house that, when you wet them, look like clotted blood.

If symptoms consistent with the presence of these parasites are detected, it is important to go to the veterinarian to obtain a correct diagnosis and take the necessary measures to treat the infestation.

  • If our pet scratches constantly and heavily, it could be an indication of an underlying problem. It is important to pay attention to this behavior and seek a veterinarian’s opinion. There can be several reasons why our pet scratches excessively, such as allergies or dermatological problems, not just fleas and ticks.
  • When trying to catch insects, some animals try to compulsively bite them as a strategy.
  • Pay attention to whether there are any areas without hair or if they are red and irritated.
  • If we notice white or black residue in the hair, we must be attentive. The white residue is flea eggs, indicating the presence of these parasites. Black or dark brown residue, on the other hand, is flea dirt.

What natural remedies can we use on our pets?

Over time, more and more options for chemical products have appeared that act as a preventive measure against parasites in our pets. However, there are also natural and less invasive alternatives for the health of our dear companions.

These home remedies may be helpful in relieving your pet’s itching. However, it is important to remember that every dog ​​may react differently. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a veterinarian before any treatment.

Pets, fleas and ticks, lavender, neem oil, diatomaceous earth

Anti-fleas with citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like lemon are an excellent way to repel fleas. You can use them in two different ways: rub citrus fruits on your pet or prepare an infusion by boiling the peels and applying them to the fur.

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Anti-fleas with vinegar

Vinegar has a strong smell that can help kill fleas and keep them away from your pet. You can make a repellent with any type of vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar, which is milder. However, you should be careful not to use it in excess as the smell may be too intense for dogs.

This versatile blend can be used in different ways to care for your pet. You can spray it on the fur with a sprayer or even add it to the bath water. To prepare it you need half a cup of vinegar, half a glass of water and neutral soap. After applying it to your dog’s scalp, let it sit for a while and then rinse thoroughly.

You can also improve this vinegar recipe with a few drops of lavender or neem oil and vegetable glycerin to “smother” the parasites. These ingredients are mixed and applied to the animal’s hair, left on for a few minutes and then rinsed.

Flea control with nutrient-rich brewer’s yeast

This food can be used in two different ways:

  • If you add this powder to your dog’s daily food, your skin will give off an odor unpleasant to parasites, which will keep them away. You will also add this good supplement to your diet.
  • You can use yeast as a repellent. All you need to do is spread a cup of yeast on your pet and let it sit for a few hours. Then remove the yeast and repeat this process at least once a week for optimal results.

Natural flea collar

This collar is an excellent alternative to prevent or eliminate fleas on your pet in a natural and cost-effective way. All you need is a tissue and a few ingredients such as aromatic dried herbs: rosemary or lavender or essential oils of these plants. These ingredients are known for their insect repellent properties, making them a safe and effective option for caring for your pet.

After preparing the liquid with aromatic oils, you can moisten the bandana and place it around your pet’s neck. It is advisable to change the scarf weekly or when it loses its aroma.

Remember not to overdo it or you could damage or impair your pet’s sense of smell.

Flea repellent for puppies

It is important to note that puppies should not use chemicals to prevent or eliminate parasites. However, there is a home and natural remedy that you can use to safely prevent them.

Chamomile tea is an excellent choice as it is a safe and gentle herb to use on your pup. Once prepared, be sure to allow it to cool before using it on your pet. Leave the chamomile tea on for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Other options against fleas and ticks

There is an ecological product called diatomaceous earth that you can apply in powder form to your pet’s fur. Be careful not to let it come into contact with mucous membranes. If you lick it, it won’t be a problem as it is also an internal antiparasitic.

Another good practice is to get them used to the fine comb you use to remove lice from a young age. This mechanical control without any product is an excellent way to remove fleas and ticks. Plus, it can be very relaxing for your dog.

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