Home Science How to Effectively Use Baking Soda on Your Teeth

How to Effectively Use Baking Soda on Your Teeth


One of the most common dental problems is tartar buildup. There are several natural alternatives to fight it, today we talk about baking soda.

Dental tartar originates due to the accumulation of bacterial plaque. It consists of the hardening of this plaque on the surface of the teeth, almost always due to poor oral hygiene and food accumulation.

Specifically, it occurs due to a chemical reaction between the action of saliva and food residue. Sometimes changes in the pH of saliva affect the formation of these hardnesses. Other factors such as high consumption of sugars and smoking are also related.

This “dirt” can be seen below the gum line, on teeth and in fillings or other dental work. If it is not removed correctly, it can deteriorate the enamel and facilitate the appearance of cavities.

Is it possible to remove tartar from teeth naturally?

As its accumulation is frequent, many people look for solutions to remove it naturally. However, removing it is not so easy. While there are a wide variety of home remedies that promise to help, the truth is that professional intervention is needed.

So what is the correct way to remove tartar from teeth? When the hard plaque film has formed, it is necessary to go to the dentist for an effective treatment.

We can prevent dental plaque with good regular hygiene habits. It is necessary to repeat brushing at least 2 times a day, although the ideal is 3 or after each meal.

Also, brushing should be done for at least 2 or 3 minutes. If it is done between 30 and 45 seconds it will not be enough to remove the plaque and avoid tartar.

Maintaining a healthy diet is also essential. Evidence suggests that regular consumption of sugary and starchy foods helps create an environment for bacteria to grow in the mouth. In addition, they promote the release of harmful acids.

baking soda for teeth

toothpaste, fluoride, baking soda, coconut oil, tartar, teeth, plaque, gingivitis, gums, white teeth, cavities, dentist

The use of sodium bicarbonate as an adjunct to oral health care is a controversial topic. First of all, it should be clarified that this substance alone cannot remove tartar from teeth naturally.

Even so, its effects against bacterial plaque and the prevention of oral problems are discussed. While some oral health professionals suggest that it is an abrasive substance that damages tooth enamel in the long term, others argue that its use in small amounts is safe.

Studies have shown that the abrasiveness index increases with powder particle size and application method. With this data, we can get into safe brushing with baking soda.

Professionals like dentist Dr. Federico Baena is in favor of using baking soda at home, albeit prudently, and shares a homemade recipe for brushing your teeth.

Baking soda toothpaste recipe

Basically, it consists of combining a tablespoon of edible coconut oil (extra virgin), a spoon of baking soda, two vitamin E capsules, two sachets of stevia and 15 drops of mint tea. It is then stored in an airtight glass jar and, at the time of use, is applied with a spoon to the toothbrush.

Baena details that this paste can be an alternative for those who have a hypersensitivity reaction to toothpastes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).

Even so, he emphasizes that it must be tested individually and its effects evaluated. If there are signs of adverse reactions, it is best to try other alternatives.


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