How to convert a Microsoft Word DOC document to PDF

PDF files have become the de facto standard for document sharing so everyone sees them the same way. Typically, documents are created with another application and then converted to PDF.

Here we explain How to convert a document you created in Microsoft Word (eg a resume or formal essay) to PDF.

If you have the desktop version of Microsoft Word installed on your Windows PC or Mac, the easiest way to convert your document to PDF is directly in Word itself, which already incorporated this option a few years ago.


Convert a DOC to PDF using Microsoft Word

  1. Open the document you want to convert and click on the “File” tab.


  1. On the subsequent screen, select “Save As” from the list on the left.

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  1. Then, on the “Save As” screen, select where you want to save the PDF (eg This PC if you want to save it to your hard drive).

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  1. Click the document type drop-down arrow and select “PDF (*.pdf)” from the drop-down menu.

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  1. If desired, you can change the filename at this time. When you’re done, click the “Save” button.

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After saving the PDF, you will be returned to your Word document and will be able to open the new PDF automatically in your default PDF viewer.

What if I don’t have Microsoft Word installed?

If you don’t have Microsoft Word but need to convert a document sent by someone to PDF, you can use a website to convert the document online.

There are many websites that offer free conversion of Word documents to PDF. We’ve been testing a few months ago, which works fine, although it’s always better to convert from within Word if possible.

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