How probiotics affect your health

You’ve probably heard a lot about how probiotics help with digestion. But probiotics, the bacteria that live in the gut, affect much more than digestion. In fact, they have far-reaching effects on your health, and there are probably a lot more benefits to these good bacteria that we have yet to discover. Here’s a quick snapshot of 7 ways probiotics affect your health.

1. Relieves IBS

There’s nothing worse than enjoying a delicious meal and suffering from bloating, gas or abdominal pain. It turns out that altered gut bacteria, or ā€œmicrobiota,ā€ contribute to various forms of IBS. In terms of digestive health, probiotics correct the balance of gut bacteria needed for good digestion.

IBS patients who regularly consume probiotics experience less pain and fewer IBS symptoms than those who do not supplement with the bacteria. bacteria like L. acidophilus s bifidobacteria brief reduce the effects of digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, so make sure any probiotics you take contain them.

2. Promotes a balanced mood

The connection between food and mood is very real, and you’ve probably experienced it on a few occasions. If you don’t get the right balance of vitamins, minerals and proteins, your mood suffers. Those taking probiotics respond better to a “sad mood” and are more positive.

Even those who eat yogurt with live cultures experience less anxiety and stress than those who eat conventional yogurts that do not contain them. When buying yogurt, make sure it contains live cultures to improve gut health; if not, don’t waste your time.

3. Keeps your brain working properly

Your gastrointestinal tract and your brain are directly connected by the vagus nerve. When your gut isn’t working well, your brain isn’t either. You need digestion to provide you with essential fatty acids, B vitamins, and other minerals needed for your brain to function properly.

Research shows that probiotics can support focus, concentration, and even mental health, so be sure to incorporate this crucial supplement if you need help in these areas.

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The probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus converts starches and sugars into usable energy. This reduces the impact of sugars and starches on blood glucose levels, liver and reduces the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

5. Contributes to healthy skin

Your body has a few ways to expel waste: through the lower digestive tract, the urinary tract, the breath, and the skin. Probiotics process many toxins that make their way into your digestive tract and help your body expel the ones that are already there. This allows your body to eliminate them through the lower GI tract rather than through the skin like acne.

6. Allergic responses to temperament

Many allergies have been linked to digestive disorders and altered gut bacteria. Those who take probiotics experience allergic conditions at a much lower rate compared to those who don’t.

Lactobacillus is very effective against atopic dermatitis, even after the probiotic regimen has ended. Eczema conditions also improved with probiotic supplementation.

7. Protect your heart

Many probiotic bacteria produce the vitamins we need to stay healthy, such as biotin and vitamin B12. Vitamin K2 is another important vitamin produced by bacteria in the colon. It is essential for the distribution of calcium in your body’s bones.

Low K2 levels lead to calcification of arteries and heart disease, so to keep your heart strong, make sure you regularly eat foods rich in probiotics.

Your health and probiotics

You can get probiotics in a number of ways: through foods like yogurt, natto, sauerkraut, and probiotic supplements.

Of course, probiotics aren’t the only way to keep your digestive system happy and healthy. You can also try regular colon and liver enzymes and cleanses.

By Edward F Group. Article in English

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