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Hijab ban in India, thousands of female students left school

The problems of hijab students could not be lessened in India

In India, about 17,000 female students dropped out of school after the Modi government banned the hijab in educational institutions.

According to media reports, the Supreme Court heard a case related to Muslim female students wearing hijab. The lawyers of the two petitioners argued in court against the ban.

Aditya Sondhi, a lawyer for one of the petitioners, opined: ‘Muslim women are facing discrimination for wearing hijab and burqa etc.’

Referring to the decision of the Supreme Court of Nigeria on hijab, he said: “The Karnataka High Court’s order against hijab not only violates the right to freedom of religion, right to education, but also violates Article 15.” .

Huzaifa Ahmadi, the second petitioner’s lawyer, claimed in the court that 17,000 girl students have dropped out of school since the Karnataka High Court’s decision.

Justice Sidhanshu Dhulia asked the lawyer, “Do you have any proof of this?” On this, Huzaifa Ahmadi presented the PUCL report in the court, according to which 17,000 female students dropped out of school due to the ban on hijab and did not even appear in the examination.

The lawyer told the court that many female students lost their education due to the decision to ban hijab, how can one’s wearing hijab be wrong for another? If someone goes to school wearing a hijab, why would anyone else be offended?

After hearing the arguments of the lawyers, the Supreme Court adjourned the hearing of the case till September 19.

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