Herlings, on the lookout for Prado

The most awaited event of the year by the Spanish riders in Arroyomolinos happened, they enjoyed it as much as they could and the MXGP World Championship continues its course with the seventh weekend of competition in France (the classification, on Saturday at 5:20 p.m. and the races, on Sunday at 2:15 p.m. and 5:10 p.m.). does it with a Jeffrey Herlings on the lookout for Jorge Prado, who retained the lead in Madrid by only six points, and with Rubén Fernández in the ‘top-3’ of the World Cup after the zeros of Romain Febvre and Maxime Renaux.

Six years after hosting the French event, the Villars Sous Ecot circuit returns to MXGP with its last winner there, Herlings, as the driver of the moment after winning the last rounds in Portugal and Spain and doing so with a double included, the first to do so this season, in intu Xanadu. The track that the KTM will find will not be similar to that of then, because it has been renovated by 80%, but his adaptability is more than demonstrated with his record of 102 World Cup victories (41 in MXGP and 62 in MX2). .

Inertia favors the Dutchman, but the numbers still remain on Prado’s side. It is true that in Madrid he did not get on the podium for the first time in 2023, nor did he even lead a lap in the two sleeves on Sunday, but he was reunited with the victory in qualifying and saved the red plate with a fourth place in a “pretty decent” weekend, as summarized in AS. Who did get on the podium, as third, was Fernández in his third consecutive ‘top-5’. The “goal is to hold this line” to keep at bay Febvre, ten points behind.

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Once recovered from the blow to the shoulder that left him without competing in Spain, the Frenchman from Kawasaki is looking to regain ground with the encouragement of his fans, who will miss their other rider, Renaux, with a broken ankle That will put you out of action for a while. About that you know well what it is Tim Gajser, the current champion who still has no return date. I don’t want to rush too much and start competing when I’m not at 100%. Once I test on a motorcycle, I will have a better idea of ​​my return”, says the Honda.

This is how the MXGP World Championship goes

This is how the World Cup looks after the MXGP of Spain 2023.
This is how the World Cup looks after the MXGP of Spain 2023.MXGP

Guillén endures Duncan’s pull

Courtney Duncan (151) and Daniela Guillén (255), during the 2023 MXGP of Spain.
Courtney Duncan (151) and Daniela Guillén (255), during the 2023 MXGP of Spain.FIMPascal Haudiquert

The WMX also joins the MXGP of France, in its case, it is the fourth and third to last round of its short calendar, therefore, Daniela Guillén will try to withstand Courtney Duncan’s push again to continue in the fight for the title. The Spanish, who signed another podium at home, is ten points behind the New Zealander, who has won three of the last four races played. Behind, Daniela has Lotte Van Drunen at nine points. While, Gabriela Seisdedos is a doubt after relapsing from the injury to his right hand.

This is how the WMX World Cup goes

This is how the WMX World Championship goes after the MXGP of Spain 2023.
This is how the WMX World Championship goes after the MXGP of Spain 2023.MXGP

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