Gymnastics lost in Santiago and did not reach the top of the tournament

Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata, encouraged by three thousand fans who traveled to Santiago del Estero excited to keep the lead in the Professional Soccer League championship, saw that possibility cut short in stoppage time, when his team fell 1-0 against local Central Córdoba, which allows Atlético Tucumán to finish the twentieth date of the contest as the only leader of the contest.

A great goal by Gonzalo Torres with a shot from the right to the angle after a good combination with Hernán López Muñoz, a relative of Diego Maradona, after starting the play Deian Verón, son of the vice president of Students, Juan Sebastián, gave the victory to those directed by Abel Balbo at the Madre de Ciudades stadium.

The three aforementioned footballers started this match on the bench for the local team, which with the three points solidified their objective of remaining in the first division.

Meanwhile, those led by Néstor Gorosito remain as escorts for the Tucuman team at two points, with the same number of units as Boca Juniors but better goal difference.

Gymnastics came out to play with the conviction of a team that fights for the title and for almost 20 minutes they became the owner of the actions, through a quick recovery in the rival field, but this did not achieve an echo when their players passed the three rival field quarters.

That is why Central Córdoba, knowing that Gymnastics dominated but did not hurt, slowly recovered from the counter-recovery of the ball, and when it could, it was more sharp than the visitors.

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In fact, Alejandro Martínez, former Defensores de Belgrano, had an unbeatable opportunity with a left-footed shot from the edge of the area that hit the crossbar of the goal defended by Rodrigo Rey and the ball bounced off the sentencing line before leaving.

For the second stage, everything would repeat itself, because at the start, Gimnasia once again took control of the development, but with the same characteristics as at the beginning, and then again, Central Córdoba found its time of prominence in the match.

But when everything seemed to be sealed with a 0-0, which was ultimately fair, the play mentioned above appeared and then Central Córdoba made a leap in quality and quantity in the positions of the average table, since it left Arsenal among the team and Aldosivi (will visit him next Monday from 7:00 p.m.), which is the first to descend (the last is Patronato), and with Sarmiento, from Junín, within arm’s reach.

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