Google is Again Postponing the End of Third-Party Cookies to 2025

Google has recently announced a change to its schedule for the disappearance of third-party cookies in Chrome. Initially planning to complete this phase-out by the end of 2024, Google now aims to complete the process in early 2025. The reason behind this delay is the difficulty in reconciling the different opinions within the industry.

In a statement, Google acknowledged the challenges it faces in aligning the views of industry players, regulators, and developers. This prompted the decision to postpone the complete abolition of third-party cookies to the beginning of next year. Google also emphasized the importance of providing sufficient time for the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to review the cookie disabling tests conducted during this period.

As part of its collaboration with the CMA and the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), Google aims to complete the process of eliminating third-party cookies this year. However, this is contingent upon reaching an agreement with the authorities. The company plans to provide the necessary information to the CMA before the end of June, allowing for a comprehensive review.

Opt-Out Process and Anti-Tracking Protection

The opt-out process began earlier this year when Google disabled third-party cookies for 1% of its global Chrome users. This represented approximately 30 million randomly selected individuals who were subject to the introduction of anti-tracking protection. Through this measure, Google aligns with the prevailing trend of blocking third-party cookies, a practice already adopted by browsers such as Safari, Firefox, and Brave.

Eliminating third-party cookies for all users of the Chrome browser was initially planned for the second half of the current financial year. However, this timeline is subject to resolving any outstanding competition issues with the CMA. The introduction of anti-tracking protection signifies a significant change in Google’s business model, as it seeks to prioritize user privacy and data protection.

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The Future of Online Advertising and User Privacy

The postponement of the end of third-party cookies by Google reflects the complexity of navigating the evolving landscape of online advertising and user privacy. As the digital ecosystem continues to evolve, stakeholders must find common ground to address the concerns of regulators, industry players, and users.

While the elimination of third-party cookies presents challenges for advertisers and marketers who rely on these tracking mechanisms, it also presents an opportunity to explore alternative solutions that prioritize user consent and data transparency. This shift encourages a more user-centric approach to online advertising, where individuals have greater control over their personal information.

Furthermore, the collaboration between Google, the CMA, and the ICO highlights the importance of regulatory oversight in ensuring a fair and competitive digital advertising market. By working together, these entities can establish guidelines and frameworks that protect user privacy while enabling innovation and economic growth.

As the industry adapts to these changes, businesses and advertisers should proactively explore alternative strategies and technologies to engage with their target audiences effectively. This may include leveraging first-party data, contextual targeting, and consent-based advertising models that prioritize transparency and user trust.


The postponement of the end of third-party cookies by Google to 2025 signifies the challenges in aligning industry opinions and regulatory requirements. This delay allows for a more comprehensive review by the CMA and provides an opportunity for stakeholders to collaborate on solutions that balance user privacy and advertising effectiveness.

As the digital advertising landscape continues to evolve, businesses must adapt and embrace alternative strategies that prioritize user consent and data transparency. By doing so, they can build trust with their audiences and navigate the changing regulatory environment successfully.

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