Home Sports Georgia repeats college title with historic beating

Georgia repeats college title with historic beating

Georgia repeats college title with historic beating

Goliath ate David. The US college football final was presented with a duel between a giant, the Georgia Bulldogs (champions last year), and a Cinderella, TCU Horned Frogs, who reached their first game for the title. The meeting did not have much history, and it is that Georgia destroyed their rival from the first moment, and with a score of 65-7 became the first university to win the championship in two years in a row since 2011.

The big star of the final was Stetson Bennett IV, quarterback for the Bulldogs and who was chosen offensive MVP of the game thanks to a total of six touchdowns (four passing and two running). Bennett, at 25, dominated rivals several years younger at will. Those of Texas Christian University, an institution that until 2011 did not belong to the Big 12 conference, did not appear in the most important game in its history, which was played at the imposing SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles before more than 72,000 spectators.

At halftime, the score was already an impressive 38-7, and things didn’t improve for TCU in the second half. The Texans came from surprising Michigan in the university semifinal, and they dreamed of completing their Cinderella tale. However, they went on to become the team that conceded the most points in an NCAA title game, and they also succumbed by the biggest difference in history in such a game. The Bulldogs, led by their coach Kirby Smart, thus lift their second consecutive national title and culminate a perfect year, in which they have recorded 15 wins and no lossessomething that only five teams in history have done.

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