Hindi film superstar Hrithik Roshan often makes headlines these days for his girlfriend Saba Azad. Recently, Hrithik Lady Love Saba Azad performed at Lollapalooza India, one of the biggest music concerts in India. During this, Hrithik Roshan and his ex-wife Sussanne Khan for all celebrities were present at the Lollapalooza India Fest hosted at Mahalaxmi Race Course to enjoy this concert of Sabah music.
Saba Azad performed with the Imad Shah Band during the Lollapalooza India Music Festival. To cheer Saba on this special occasion, superstar Hrithik Roshan, his ex-wife Suzanne Khan, Suzanne’s boyfriend Arsnal Goni, Hrithik’s cousin Pashmina Roshan and her children were present. Sussanne Khan and Pashmina Roshan have also uploaded the Insta story of this special occasion regarding Saba Azad.
Apart from these, the famous Hindi film actor Rajkumar Rao also got to enjoy Lollapalooza India Music Fest. Whose information has been provided by Rajkumar through Insta Story. Not just this, the famous Bollywood actress Huma Qureshi has said via social media that she has also enjoyed the Lollapalooza India Music Festival.
Apart from all these celebrities, veteran Bollywood actress Kajol also came to Mahalaxmi Racecourse to enjoy the Lollapalooza India Music Fest. Kajol was accompanied by her son Yug Devgan and Danish Gandhi, the nephew of superstar Ajay Devgan. Danish Gandhi has given this information through a story on her official Instagram account. It is known that this Lollapalooza India Music Festival took place on January 28-29, in which many music artists from India and abroad gave their performances.