Freddie Freeman’s great first year with the Dodgers that goes unnoticed

After a twelve-year career with the Atlanta Braves, the stellar Major League first baseman, Freddie Freeman, decided to cut paths with the franchise where his career was born, moving to the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Before the start of the 2022 Major League season, Freeman reached a deal for his next six years and US$162 million with the Dodgers, who begins to fulfill the value of his contract with concrete facts.

Freddie Freeman, six times invited to the MLB All-Star Game, spends a dream first year in his new uniform, owning a .324/.400/.523 offensive line, after having played his first 111 games with the Dodgers.

The 32-year-old first baseman has overflowed all his power with 54 extra-base hits, of which 37 doubles and 15 home runs stand out, adding a total of 72 RBIs this 2022.

At the moment of these lines, the prodigious left-handed hitter is leading the section of the National League, who is located in the center lane en route to reaching his fourth season in exceeding 40 doubles.

Freeman’s key to remaining a productive hitter

The veteran American slugger has been a line hitter throughout his career, this season being no exception, for whom raising the ball has been his key to producing.

We can see this expressed in his “Fair Point” connections, those hits with a quality of contact in his hitting angle between 8 and 32 degrees, specifications that lead to lines and fly balls.

A total of 47 percent of Freddie Freeman’s batted balls have met this description, making such contact in 166 of his official at-bats, finishing about 100 of those on hits, for a good .602 average.

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In general, the “Punto Justo” hits translate into success for the majority, showing that, in said scenario, the average batting average in the league is being .580 this 2022.

Writer’s Note: Statistics until before the start of Saturday’s games.

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