Home World Four Iranians sentenced to prison for inciting strike

Four Iranians sentenced to prison for inciting strike

Four Iranians have been sentenced to between one and 10 years in prison for notably inciting a strike during the protest movement linked to the death of Mahsa Amini, an official source announced on Sunday. It is the first time that the court has announced convictions for incitement to strike during the protests sparked by the death on September 16 of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman who died after her arrest by the morality police who accused her of for violating the country’s strict dress code for women.

On December 5, calls for a three-day strike were launched by activists on social networks in support of the protest. After this appeal, the four people were sentenced at first instance to prison mainly “for having incited drivers to strike in December” in the province of Hormozgan (south), said the head of the Judicial Authority of this province , Mojtaba Ghahramani.

A possible call

“One defendant was sentenced to ten years in prison, another to five years for also forming a group with the aim of disturbing security and two others to one year in prison and to pay damages for breaking the windows of trucks “, he added, quoted by the organ of justice Mizan Online. “None of the defendants is a driver and they have no connection with the transport sector,” he said. The four Iranians, whose identity has not been specified, can appeal.

According to the Ilna press agency, which is close to working class circles, Mojtaba Ghahramani had reported the failure of “calls for a strike by truck drivers” launched by “elements hostile to the Islamic Republic of Iran”. In recent months, activists have repeatedly called for a strike. Iranian officials generally refer to the protests as “riots” encouraged by hostile countries and organizations. Four Iranians were executed for attacks on security forces during protests.

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