Forlán: “It would be great for Griezmann and Suárez to score”

The former Uruguayan striker Diego Forlan, The only Golden Boot in the history of Atlético de Madrid, which he obtained in 2009, one of his five seasons at the rojiblanco club, said that it would be “barbaric” for his compatriot Luis Suarez and french Antoine Griezmann will score on Saturday in the game against Barcelona.

“It would be barbaric because there are two, two goals, one for each and if they are well even more. They are players who have a goal, they play well, they want to demonstrate and do it in the best possible way, and more so when you play against this rival, you always motivates a lot “, pointed out the one who was a rojiblanco idol between 2007 and 2012 before the LaLiga Ambassadors Gala that takes place in Madrid.

Forlán played several duels against Barcelona wearing the rojiblanca. “They are always beautiful games, this type of rivals, playing at home, in a spectacular stadium like Wanda, the return of the people is always nice”, I consider.

The ‘cachavacha’ predicted a “tough match for both”, although Atlético “is a little better” but sees the duel “very even”. “Barcelona is two points away, winning tomorrow could go to Atlético in points, it has good players even if it is not in a good institutional moment,” he said.

Atlético has not quite generated good game and goals despite having the most spectacular roster of strikers in recent times, with Suárez, Griezmann, the Portuguese Joao Félix or the Argentine Ángel Correa.

“The football generation is not easy many times, it requires time, adaptation, everyone is just beginning to play. Griezmann is coming back, Luis had the Copa América, you always need a period of time, Let’s hope it is short so that with the quality of players that Atletico has, we can see what everyone expects, “said Forlán.

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His former teammate at Atlético Sergio ‘Kun’ Agüero, signed by Barcelona, ​​he is recovering from an injury, which is why Forlán hopes that it will be a good boost to revive the bad run of results for the Barça team.

“I think he is a good incorporation and at this moment he is a player with a lot of experience, who knows the League, although it is his first time at Barcelona. Hopefully the injury comes well because one is celebrating its birthday, but I think it can contribute a lot. He is a great player, with a lot of goal and can give much more tranquility, than what Barcelona is needing “, he valued.

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