foods that affect sleep

There are several habits that can help us sleep better, such as eating a light dinner and avoiding foods that affect sleep.

Sleeping little doesn’t just mean being tired the rest of the day, but it also has a series of consequences for the physical and even emotional health of those who suffer from sleep disorders.

Poor sleep can also translate into decreased glucose tolerance, as approximately 30% more insulin is needed to maintain blood sugar levels. Leptin levels (hormone that generates the feeling of satiety) are also reduced and ghrelin levels (hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger) skyrocket, in addition to “If we don’t rest well, it’s more likely that we’re so tired that it’s hard to stick to a physical activity routine or that we don’t have the energy and desire to start cooking a healthy meal.”, warns nutritionist Silvia López.

Other studies indicate that lack of sleep affects blood stem cells in a way that favors the accumulation of fatty plaques in the arteries, which can lead to a higher prevalence of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, “lack of sleep affects emotional well-being, cognitive function, physical health and daytime performance,” López concludes.

There are also some foods that can also negatively affect the quality of sleep and which we should avoid if we want to sleep better.

foods that affect sleep

Coffee, tea and chocolate

López recalls that although caffeine does not affect everyone in the same way, since the rate of gastric emptying, absorption and metabolization varies from one person to another, “it is a stimulant of the central nervous system, responsible for controlling our voluntary functions🇧🇷 Works in the same way as theobromine cocoa and theophylline from tea, all of them belonging to the field of methixaltines, and also “It is a diuretic substance, which also harms us at bedtime, as it can make us get up repeatedly to go to the bathroom.🇧🇷


Lopes remembers thatvery spicy or spicy foods impair sleep quality, as they increase body temperature and can cause digestive discomfort🇧🇷

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In fact, it’s not entirely correct that vegetables can interfere with sleep, as many people take them at night without much problem. What happens is that “are flatulent foods, which can lead to complicated digestions, which can make us sleep worse”, explains nutritionist Óscar Picazo.

To be able to eat legumes without having digestive discomfort, the trick is “boil them in water for five minutes, discard this water and let them soak for 4 to 6 hours in the fridge🇧🇷


Another myth that must be banished is that alcohol can help us fight insomnia. 🇧🇷While it is true that at first it seems to make us sleepy, the reality is that it leads us to restful sleep. In addition, like coffee, it causes hypersecretion of gastric juices, which can make it difficult to sleep.”, says Lopez.

coffee, chocolate, legumes, insomnia, sleep, banana, milk, tryptophan

Carbohydrates, foods that affect sleep?

A false myth about sleep and diet is that carbohydrates should not be eaten at night, not only because they can make us gain weight, but also because they make digestion difficult and therefore can affect sleep. Experts point out that, although it is a belief so far widespread, it has been refuted by several studies, as it has been shown that people who eat carbohydrates at night can have an even better hormonal situation and lose weight.

On the other hand, the link between refined carbohydrates and their relationship with insomnia has also been studied on several occasions without conclusive results.

Foods that help you fall asleep

One of the most popular beliefs is that a glass of milk before bed can help us sleep better.

Dairy products, such as milk, contain tryptophan, the precursor amino acid of melatonin, involved in the sleep-wake cycle, which contributes to the establishment and maintenance of sleep. However, it is better not to accompany it with cocoa, as it contains a stimulant called theobromine, experts clarify.

Although bananas are also good sources of tryptophan, they must be included in our diet if we have sleep problems.


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