Floods affect cassava, bean and tomato plantations

The strong floods that occurred in the country have left a negative balance in agriculture. The damages are still being evaluated by the authorities of the sector.

Preliminarily, the Ministry of Agriculture reported that The most affected area is Padre Las Casas in the province of Azuawhere many communities were affected with the almost total destruction of neighboring roads and damage to some plantations.

The data was offered by the director of Communications of the ministry, Erick Montilla, who also assured that the production of beans was completely lost of this municipality and some tomato plantations.

He said that in Tamayo the greatest damage was in the urban area, in Fondo Negro de Barahona if affected banana plantations are registeredbut that the level of agricultural losses in the region is still being evaluated.

Similarly, Montilla indicated that there are known effects on cassava and tomato crops, in different locations.

Government assesses damage

A large delegation from the Government, headed by the Administrative Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Palizavisited yesterday the areas affected by the rains in Azua, Neiba and Jimaní, which caused damage to dozens of families, roads, the electrical system, agriculture and the distribution of drinking water.

The tour began in the municipality of Padre Las Casas where they evaluated the damage caused by the flooding of the Las Cuevas RiverGuayabal, which left the communities of El Recodo, Las Guamas, Las Avispas and Las Cuevas incommunicado.

In the municipality of Jimaní, the swelling of the Blanco or Soliette river generated urban flooding in Villa Solidaridad, La Ku and El Militar, and damage to agriculture. Beating was accompanied by the Minister of Youth, Rafael Féliz García, the director of the Center of Emergency Operations (COE), Juan Manuel Méndez, the executive director of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI), Olmedo Caba; the executive director of the Social Assistance Plan of the Presidency, Yadira Henríquez; and other officials.

Government response

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“The damage goes beyond Padre Las Casas. We have received the existing concern from the local authorities. Nature is calling our attention, because we are moving from great droughts to floods, the world is marking great environmental variations and the phenomena are going to be felt more and more”, added the Minister of the Presidency.

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