Home Sports Fernando Alonso’s devastating confession opens a new schism in Alpine

Fernando Alonso’s devastating confession opens a new schism in Alpine

Through an interview, it was learned that by 2023 Mercedes must be surpassed

It has been known in the last few hours that Fernando Alonso looks complicated that Alpine can get close to Mercedes this year. The Spaniard sees the Germans as superior in resources and recommends the team focus on the 2023 project as soon as possible. Something that has his followers in great expectation.

Contrary to Or withAlonso sees it difficult to reach Mercedes this year. The Spaniard recalls that in Alpine they are below the Germans in terms of resources and asks the team to balance its budget with 2023 in mind. “I don’t think it will be easy for us to catch up with Mercedes,” Alonso said.

Fernando Alonso Austria
The man from Oviedo considers that the best thing for Alpine is to think about 2023

Improving the car is one of the Asturian’s most important goals

“They have a huge organization and we knew they would come back sooner or later. Ours is a medium or long-term program. It’s about starting next year’s car soon enough so that the next project is not affected”, the Spanish driver began by saying.

However, he went on to say in his remarks to the media: Teams can start next year’s car and at the same time continue to improve this year’s car. For other teams it will be a bigger challenge”, he added. On the other hand, Fernando Alonso has spoken about his continuity in Alpine.

Fernando Alonso assures that he is happy in Alpine, but it is time to improve the conditions

The Spaniard’s contract ends this year and there is a will on the part of both parties to continue. However, Fernando warns that before signing they must reach an agreement and wants to know their expectations for the future and the next step of the project. Alpine and Fernando will sit down to negotiate.

“It’s never guaranteed that you’re going to stay. We have to agree on something. In the next few weeks I will sit down with the team and see what their expectations are. I feel happy, I feel at home in Alpine, but there is no guarantee of anything”, Fernando expressed to close.

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