Fernando Alonso warned by Vettel of the big problem of Aston Martin

Even as a driver for the Alpine F1 Team, the Spaniard is already thinking about his next team

We have already passed the Ecuador of the world championship of Formula 1 2022, and the announcement that Aston-Martin will be the pilot’s new team Fernando Alonso captures the attention of many. However, it is all because one of the recent drivers of the British team has revealed what the disadvantages of the single seater AMR22.

Specifically, it has been German and champion four times, sebastian vettel, who has said in the form of advice to Alonso, the main fault of the Aston Martin car. Of course the asturian pilot He has taken note, as it will be his next single-seater next year. It will not be exactly the same model but it will have the bases of this one.

Alonso Aston Martin
Sebastian Vettel and Lance Stroll say the AMR22 is a good machine for long runs, but falls short for tight spaces.

Vettel also affirms that Aston Martin has an Achilles heel like all teams and Fernando Alonso takes note

If Alpine F1 Team is not doing well this season, Aston Martin is doing worse. The British team is in 10th position in the team table, and its best rider (Sebastian Vettel) is in 14th place in the general drivers’ table. This is because his 2022 car, the AMR22, has constant technical failures.

“I think we have a good pace in the long runs, but really it’s the short runs that seem to be our Achilles’ heel,” said the German. Without going any further, the driver who from January 2023 will be a former Formula 1 driver, has stressed that the car is good but has some small flaws that in the process affect other mechanisms of the car.

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Vettel also claims that Aston Martin’s AMR22 is one of the fastest cars

Not everything is bad and the Teutonic driver confirms that his 2022 car is one of the cars that has gained the most positions throughout this year. Vettel together with his partner, the Canadian Lance Stroll, have conquered 82 positions in the 13 GPs this season. This is something that makes Fernando Alonso happy and keeps him excited for the next year.

In conclusion, the British team must improve in the competitions on Saturdays and gain privileged positions for Sunday. The AMR22 car has extraordinary power but it’s useless if they start the race in places far behind. On the other hand, Fernando Alonso will continue to see out of the corner of his eye the behavior of his next team.

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