Favorite candidate for the presidency of Athletic wants Iraola as coach

Aldazabal seems to leave with more options to reach Ibaigane’s chair

We still do not know who will be the next Athletic president. What we do know is that Aitor elizegi will not stand for reelection and that, of the possible candidates, the strongest and the one with the most options is Javier Aldazabal. And they recognize in their environment that the coach they want in the Athletic is Iraola.

The new president will have to calm the waters, since the spirits with the chef’s management Elizegi they are quite heated. Many institutional, economic or sports decisions have not been understood, with the absence of absurd transfers and investments such as the opening of a new store in the midst of a pandemic.

Athletic presidency
Aldazabal, top favorite for the Athletic presidency

Aldazabal, favorite

For the moment, what is certain is that Aitor Elizegi will not stand for election. He leaves because he knows his options are null and because there is a clear favorite in the polls to reach Ibaigane. That is Javier Aldazabal, who is the top favorite to take over the job.

His favoritism in the fans is notorious, as they consider him the ideal one to lead the club in the coming seasons. The former legal head of the Urrutia board is the most prepared person of all those who sound to lead possible candidacies.

Aldazabal wants Iraola in Athletic

Likewise, among the candidates who could run for the presidency, three other names also stand out. These are Jon Vázquez Eguskiza, Ricardo Barkala and Mario Fernandez. All of them start with fewer options than Aldazabal in the face of an election that will be in summer.

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And Javier Aldazabal, in addition to being prepared, has very clear ideas. He wants to see Iraola on the Athletic bench. It is the idea that his project has and he is not going to change it no matter how many merits a Marcelino García Toral accumulates, who is doing a good job beyond the results.

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