Evenepoel triumphs again in Norway and rises to the lead


The Belgian Remco Evenepoel (Quick Step) once again gave a blow of authority in the third stage disputed between Gol and Stavsro/Gaustatoppen, of 175.8 km with a solo victory that allowed him to recover the yellow jersey. In a day with a high finish, Evenepoel reached the finishing line outstandingly, with a time of 4:40:07, after an attack that no rival could respond to. The second was the Australian Jay Vine (Alpecin Fenix), at 27 seconds, and third another “aussie” runner, Luke Plapp (Ineos), at 1.05 minutes.

The Norwegian Tobias Johannessen (Uno X) could not retain the yellow jersey, losing at the finish line 1.21. Evenepoel showed his might with a ruthless elimination process on the last climb. He first attacked to release Johannessen, then attacked 6 kilometers from the finish line to distance Jay Vine and Luke Plapp and alone began his path to glory.

An Evenepoel demo. Once the break of the day was canceled with 9 km to go, he attacked Tao Geoghegan Hart (Ineos) and was followed by Esteban Chaves, Vine and the victorious Belgian. At 7 km from the finish line came Evenepoel’s blow, the definitive one. Joahannessen could not follow his wheel, already saying goodbye to the yellow jersey, but Vine and Plapp held on, until they gave in to the leader’s momentum. who leads the first Australian in 46 seconds and 1.24 to the second. This Friday the fourth stage between Hovden and Kristiansand, of 232.1 km, is disputed.

Third stage (of six)

1st Remco Evenepoel 4h 40:07

2nd Jay Vine at 27

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3rd Luke Plapp 1:05


1st Remco Evenepoel 11h 54:35

2nd Jay Vine at 46

3rd Luke Plapp 1:24

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