Home Entertainment Eternals 2: The role that Thanos could have in the sequel

Eternals 2: The role that Thanos could have in the sequel

released in November, Eternals of Chloe Zhao did not particularly enjoy particular success among fans of the mcu. In terms of operating receipts, the film is in the low range of films Marvel having only cashed $400 million in revenue for a massive budget excluding marketing costs of 200 millions. At the level of critical reception, it was not something exceptional either since the feature film obtained a note “rotten” of 47% positive reviews on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. On the side of France, the film combines a very small 6.1/10 average on the social network Critical sense.

In this movie, the Eternals are super-powerful cosmic beings sent by the God Arishem to protect humans from monsters called the Deviants. But when Arishem has other sinister plans for planet Earth, Eternals decide to turn against their parent. A schism breaks out in their group. Some want to save the Earth like Sersi (Gemma Chan) while others swear loyalty to Arishem like Ikaris (Richard Madden).

But one of the post-credits scenes introduces an important character from the comics who is none other that Eros, the brother of Thanos, interpreted here by Harry Styles. The character should know an important future in the continuation of the mcu.

If we don’t yet know what about a Eternals 2, certain actors, such as Gemma Chan and Richard Madden, seem open to return. In November, the co-writer of Eternals, Kaz Firpo, spoke with The Direct and stated that, in his view, there was no ” no way “ to produce sequels of Eternals without Thanos by Josh Brolin has at least some implication in the story:

“I believe there is no way to do Eternals 2 and 3 without somehow touching Mr. Brolin. »

Given the presence of his brother, Thanos so could well come back in one of the sequels of Eternals although how this might be brought about is still unknown. One thing seems to agree with all the rumors: its use in sequels should only allow to give a little more depth to the character of Eros by Harry Styles. The occasion can also allow to develop the origin-story of Thanos for, why not, lead to a resurrection in good and due form, as we know the powers from Arishem almost unlimited.

Marvel could therefore entice fans of the mcu by creating a consensus around Thanos, unanimously appreciated by fans in Infinity War. Corn Marvel must be careful not to drive Thanos, if it brings it back, to an eternal recommencement. According to the sources of The Direct, two tracks seem privileged: his appearance in flashbacks but also his arrival in the team of Eternals. But for the moment, everything is still in the state of rumors and we will have to be patient with the studio starting work on a sequel to the film of Chloe Zhao.

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