Home World Elizabeth II “reluctantly” agrees to be put to rest by her doctors

Elizabeth II “reluctantly” agrees to be put to rest by her doctors

95-year-old Queen Elizabeth II canceled a visit to Northern Ireland on Wednesday after she “reluctantly” accepted her doctors’ advice to rest for a few days.

Specifically, Buckingham Palace announced in a short statement that “the Queen reluctantly accepted a medical opinion urging her to rest for the next few days.” “Her Majesty remains in good spirits and is disappointed that she will no longer be able to visit Northern Ireland, where she was to take part in a series of engagements” Wednesday and Thursday, he said, adding that she was “looking forward to to be able to go there in the future ”.

Although she is almost a hundred years old, having lived through the death of her husband Philip in April and the Covid-19 pandemic, the queen does not limit her travels to many public events, as she prepares to celebrate in 2022 his 70 years on the throne. She holds the record for longevity on the British throne, which she acceded to in 1952.

Elizabeth II rests at Windsor Castle

Simple stroke of fatigue? According to the British news agency PA, Elizabeth II, vaccinated against Covid-19, is resting at Windsor Castle, near London, where she had spent successive confinements, and her condition is not linked to the virus.

According to PA, its participation in COP26, the major UN climate conference which begins in early November in Glasgow (Scotland), is not currently in question.

Last week Elizabeth II was seen walking in public with a cane, a first since 2004. This was not the case at Tuesday’s reception.

And that we do not dare to remind him of his age. Tuesday, the British magazine The Oldie had indicated that the queen had refused the prize which it gives each year to an elderly person: “Her Majesty thinks that one is of the age which one feels and therefore does not think of fulfilling. the criteria for accepting, ”his services had indicated in the letter of refusal.

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