He electricity supply is the economic activity that pays its employees the best monthly salary on average, with a salary of RD$52,321.52, according to the preliminary quarterly bulletin of the Directory of Companies and Establishments (DEE) offered by the National Statistics Office (ONE).
Within this report, which covers from January to March 2023, the activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies are also evidenced as the best paid jobs, with an average salary of RD$44,146.86; information and communications, with RD$26,362.06as well as mining and quarrying, where on average monthly income is earned RD$26,280.58.
In addition, financial and insurance activities, with a salary of RD$25,377.46and public administration and defense, with RD$25,122.14.
The other economic activities that appear in the list earn less than 25 thousand pesosas is the case of: professional, scientific and technical activities, construction and real estate activities.
DR’s best paying jobs
In general, the total remuneration paid by formal companies shows a growth in March of 3.4% compared to the month of February. Regarding the average salary of the first quarter, the largest companies reflect a greater participation, with an average salary of RD$32,218.02.
About the report
According to the ONE, the Directory of Companies and Establishments for the first quarter of 2023 is an exercise that is carried out with the objective of presenting the set of employer companies formally constituted in the Dominican territory; compiled through administrative records, with data updated and validated during the cycle from January to March 2023.
This bulletin characterizes formal companies according to activity, size, location, employment and remuneration. Notably are preliminary data, subject to rectification, since it is a methodology that is in development with a view to being strengthened.
The data presented below refer to the stock of companies registered month after month, the last month represents the DEE updated quarterly. In January, 96,377 companies registered; in February, 98.9% of the companies in January reported information, and in March, 99.4%. The new companies registered each month are added to the accumulated number of companies.