Home World Eddy de Pretto unveils two unreleased tracks in duet with Yseult

Eddy de Pretto unveils two unreleased tracks in duet with Yseult

Eddy de Pretto unveils two unreleased tracks in duet with Yseult

If he is a hit with his album “To all the bastards” released last March, Eddy de Pretto returns this Wednesday with two new songs, “Pause” and “Kiss”, sung in duet with Yseult.

These two talented artists met in a Parisian studio last spring. Between them, the current immediately passed and a beautiful friendship was born. “Our way of creating is similar, our voices blend naturally. This double title is the result of our meeting, ”they explain in a press release.

Eddy de Pretto and Yseult, who share the same love for music, have imagined two new tracks brought together in the form of a single clip, conceived as a long sequence shot where we see the sets evolve and the technicians pass into the field.

“’Pause’ is a delicate invitation to take care of yourself at this costly time. We have written a deliberately protective title, a sort of “musical safe place” where the insults of life, the violence of habit instantly fade in contact with what binds us, our friendship. “Kiss”, meanwhile, recalls that despite all the care we can take, love and friendships can tarnish over time, despite everything we can put in it, “says the duo.

Eddy de Pretto will be in concert at the Bataclan in Paris on October 26, 27 and 28, as well as on November 2, 3, 4, 20, 21 and 22. He will then continue with a tour of the Zéniths in 2022.

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