Home World Donald Trump returns with another Hindi slogan ‘India and America are best...

Donald Trump returns with another Hindi slogan ‘India and America are best friends’


Donald Trump - India TV Hindi News
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Donald Trump: former president of america Donald Trump (Donald Trump) is back with another Hindi slogan. This time he has given the slogan ‘India and America are best friends’. Trump recently recorded this new catchphrase at his Mar-a-Lago residence for Shalabh Kumar, a Chicago-based businessman, Republican donor and strategist who was also behind Trump’s first Hindi slogan in 2016: ‘Ab ki baar, Trump Sarkar’, which was inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s election slogan ‘Ab Ki Baar, Modi Sarkar’.

PM Modi is doing a great job: Trump

Let us tell you that Shalabh Kumar has been working with Donald Trump since 2016, but things were not good between them towards the end of the former President’s tenure. Kumar stayed away from Trump’s 2020 election campaign, but he recently appeared in an interview with the former president. In the interview, Donald Trump said that I will take a decision very soon about contesting the upcoming election. Also said that I think people will be very happy with this decision of mine. In the same interview, Trump said that I have had a very good relationship with India and Prime Minister Modi. I think PM Modi is doing a great job.

Trump records slogan in ‘just three takes’

At the same time, Shalabh Kumar said that it was not easy for Trump, who does not speak Hindi at all, to record this slogan, he had trouble in pronouncing the word ‘Bharat’ correctly. Kumar said the former president had recorded it in “just three takes”. The former president now lives at his Mar-a-Lago Club resort in Florida.

“We will use the slogan in the upcoming mid-term elections in November,” Kumar said, specifically referring to the new slogan. The slogan is intended to mobilize Indian/Hindu American voters in support of Republicans, he said. Indian Americans have emerged as a significant vote bank in swing states, where election results can change on margins as fine as a thousand or a few thousands.

Democratic and Republican parties wooing Indian Americans

The Indian American community has grown to over four million. It is said to be a little over 1 percent of the total population. Both the Democratic and Republican parties are now aggressively wooing Indian Americans. Kumar said Trump’s slogan will be featured in an advertisement that will run on TV channels mostly watched by Indian-Americans.

Let us tell you that Shalabh Kumar has been working with Donald Trump since 2016, but things were not good between them towards the end of the former President’s tenure. Kumar stayed away from Trump’s 2020 election campaign, but he recently appeared in an interview with the former president.

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