Domino’s Super League: Top 5 Bloody Matches at Level 1

League of Legends Super League: Top 5 Plays of the Day

A new week has begun, and with it, the thrilling matches of the League of Legends Super League. The competition is heating up, with teams fighting for regular phase championships and sneaking into the playoffs by the minimum.

1. War at level 1 favorable to Jokers

Manute’s team was on a mission to close out the day’s 11th match against the leaders, Ramboot Club. Things looked promising for them when they decided to make a move at level 1, ultimately securing the Domino’s First Blood and another kill for their locker.

2. Solobolo by Tsiperakos

The clash between LUA Gaming and Barça eSports saw a rare midlane showdown between Ezreal and Lucian, two ADCs. However, the Vaca midlaner seized the opportunity, playing the shooter to perfection and taking the Domino’s First Blood with a flawless solobolo in minute 2.

3. Seaz’s incredible hips

GiantX Pride was determined to seek revenge against ZETA, who had won the first leg, but things started off poorly for the giants. However, Seaz turned things around with some impressive hips and a good engage, saving his life and giving two kills to Peach.

4. Good dive by Los Heretics on top

The first game of the day saw The Heretics face off against Rebels Gaming. The Domino’s First Blood came as a result of a successful dive by Los Heretics at the top, executed to perfection by Carlsen with Rumble and Xerxe with Xin Zhao. Spooder couldn’t do anything and ended up falling into a murder that went to the heretic jungler.

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5. Hunted Rhuckz and kill Jinx

The Great MARC Game saw two teams with several players in common, including several former KOI players. The Domino’s First Blood arrived with the first dragon of the game, when Rhuckz was hunted and finally fell to Jinx, who claimed the kill with his ultimate.

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