Dominican exports with great growth

Dominican exports reflected an interannual growth of 8.41% in August, for a total of US$ 1,106.1 million, informed the executive director of the Export and Investment Center of the Dominican Republic (ProDominicana), Biviana Riveiro Disla.

The preliminary record of the General Directorate of Customs (DGA) indicates that the value exported during the period January-August 2022 was US$8,490.3 million. This is equivalent to a positive growth of 10.4%, compared to the same period in 2021 and 28.8% compared to 2019, prior to the pandemic.

Riveiro Disla said that: “Each new milestone in Dominican exports serves as an indicator of achievement. Allow all the sectors involved in the promotion of this sector and in the execution of the National Plan for the Promotion of Exports to have objective feedback on the work we are doing”.


The main destinations for Dominican exports were the United States in first place and Haiti in second place, followed by China, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Panama, among a total of 95 buying countries.

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